Monday, December 20, 2010
Airtel signs Ashish Nehra as new brand ambassador
Explained Mr. Mittal - "Our new brand ambassador has been chosen in tune with the reception our new logo has received. Since hardly few people appreciate the new logo, we decided to rope in someone who gets hardly noticed. What better choice than Ashish Nehra, who has been in the Indian team for years, and yet has hardly been mentioned in columns, acted in advertisements or been called water-boy by the crowd. Nehra also invokes self-pity after being smashed for boundaries over after over. With hundreds of crores being spent on rebranding, and still none noticing, we're in the same position. There you go, another similarity!"
After some thought, Mittal explained that Nehra also stood for the company's commitment and positioning in the public. "Airtel resonates trust among its users, the same way batsmen trust Ashish Nehra's bowling. His chased-by-a-stray-dog-running-with-a-hurt-leg run up makes even an under-12 batsman trust his bad balls. Also, our services and products are very transparent. Nehra is synonymous with transparency in the cricketing world. I mean, no bowler would grin at the umpire, symbolically show 'outside the stump line' with his hands, shake his head and mouth 'Outside ehhh?' after a loud LBW appeal! Even umpires get bewildered."
It has been learnt that the advertisements featuring Nehra will be handled by O&M ads. O&M has made critically acclaimed ads like the very creative Zandu balm ad featuring Delhi Daredevils players dancing on a running train. Sources revealed that the new Airtel ad would be very similar to the classic Nijam Paaku tamil ad. The Nijam Pakku ad shows a kid's face morphing into an adult's face, which morphs into a grandfather's face, to show the compatibility of Nijam pakku with all age groups. The same way, the new ad would feature SS Das's face, which morphs into Vijay Bharadwaj's face, which morphs to Nikhil Chopra's face, and finally to a grinning Nehra's face (all hardly noticed players), which then magically morphs into the new stylish Airtel swoosh.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
"Talk less, fart more" -Dr. Ferguson
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How Nira Radia made 300 crores in 9 years
Meanwhile, several entrepreneurs, taking a cue from Nira Radia, have started making crores of money. Their strategy involves sticking "Earn 1 lakh per month. No investment required. Call 9001002010" posters in trains and buses. When called, they simply respond by asking the caller to purchase Virgin Mobile and stick similar posters all over the city. It is being rumored that the wallpaper of all Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation employees has been changed to such posters.
In business news, Airtel has announced that it will rename its "Call your loved ones @ 10 paise per minute" plan to "Nira Radia-Ratan Tata" night time calls plan". The move is expected to offer customers more clarity and connect with the rate-cutter plan.
Friday, December 3, 2010
How do satirists impress girls??
Now here is my question. How can a person, devoid of any of the above mentioned type of skills, impress girls? Well, I've been having problems impressing girls right from a very young age. Like from when I was 5 years old or so. The 10 to 15 years-older-than-me girls never found me cute. I mean, I was no match for Vignesh who would run around my apartment naked, chanting all countries-and-their-capitals, getting hair-ruffles or kisses from the gorgeous girls. Out of ambition, I remember I once removed all my clothes and ran around, but I couldn't really get the capitals right. After New Delhi, I could only say Chennai, and then Mambalam, Chromepet, Saidapet. Of course none noticed my antics except Giri, another poor boy who didn't know countries and capitals. Giri appointed me conductor, and himself driver and offered to play driver-conductor with me.
Relatively speaking, I can safely say I was born with a decent sense of humor and sarcasm. Yes, girls did laugh at some of the jokes, but I couldn't really get a move on. So satire or humor as an art for impressing chicks didn't work for me.
There was this fancy dress competition in school. On stage was Prabhu, dressed up as Lord Ganesha, left hand in mouth, right hand in 'blessing' posture as his parents had taught him, reciting "Gajananam bhootha ganaathi...", elongating every word for like 10 seconds. When he finally did finish, all the 10th to 12th standard 'akkas' ran to him and pinched his cheeks, with 'soooo cute' comments. I found him totally stupid! I mean, if he was Lord Ganesha, why was he reciting "Gajanam" and seeking his own blessings for himself?? It was my turn next. I was pretty confident I would get more cheek-pinches than Prabhu. I went on stage, forgot my lines, mistook the mike for a cone ice-cream, bit it, made everyone laugh, but well, no cheek-pinches. I realized my incompetency at that very young age.
Years passed by. While my friends were impressing girls dropping catches, singing the same song every annual day, writing the same "Is technology a boon or bane" essay every year, here I was, making fun of them, but unable to meet their popularity. One sudden day, I realized I have a talent too - satire. I remembered an artist friend of mine, passing on his album to girls, impressing every single one of them. I decided to follow suit. I planned to write a satire about Suresh Kalmadi, print it on flyers, and distribute it to every good looking girl I saw. But next day, there was some A.Raja and I realized people wouldn't really be able to connect with my satire about Kalmadi. I thought I'd become an artist too, atleast to impress girls. But beyond a point, I couldn't really innovate the two-mountains-orange sun-in-between-two crows art of mine.
So I really don't have another option other than satire. But hell, many girls don't even know what satire is!! Yeah, I do get positive comments from Tweeters and bloggers occasionally. But girls?? No-no. Unless Zulquarnin Haider disappears or re-appears on my annual day or culturals, and I'm allowed to live-stream my blog article on stage, I don't think I stand a chance.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Nira Radia, Ratan Tata, A. Raja and more
It was in this backdrop that Nira Radia had lobbied with former Telecom Minister A. Raja. Together, the Radia-Raja duo had siphoned off funds from the Telecom Department Exchequer to frequently top up Ratan Tata's Docomo SIM, often Rs.10 denominations. This has infuriated a number of law officials. Said an official under anonymity - "Under the UPA government norms, we have a lower cap or minimum amount that can be robbed off common man's tax money. This lower cap is determined and increased every financial quarter. For this quarter, the cap is Rs. 1 crore. By not being able to siphon off Rs. 1 crore, Ratan Tata has brazenly violated the law of the land. The government will take appropriate action on him."
Meanwhile, Mr. Kapil Sibal, present Telecom Minister, said the issue was too sensitive a one to be realeased for public disclosure. Says Mr. Sibal - "If the public learns about Mr. Ratan Tata's 'missed call' culture, it may prompt several people to follow suit. Soon, people will stop recharging their mobile accounts. Telecom operators will lose a lot of money, and this will reflect on the stock performances. Ultimately, this 'missed call' gate will affect the nation's economy and accrue inflation."
In another shocking relevation, Nira Radia has said that her meet up with A. Raja was never a planned one. She maintained that she got introduced to Raja by accident. A message intercept between the corporate lobbyist and Raja confirms the same. The intercepts have been given below.
Nira Radia (NR): Hey what doing?
Raja: Vetti. Pocketing money.
NR: Oops sorry wrongly sent.
Raja: Its k... ur name??
NR: Nira Radia.
Raja: Boy or gal??
NR: Girl. Lady rather.
Raja: :-) :-) hai will u b my frend????? :-D :-)
Further intercepts of Raja's mobile showed he corresponded with his DMK comrades about his new found friend.
TO: Azhagiri, Stalin, Dhayanidhi, Udhayanidhi, Kalanidhi
Message: Machi got a new figure's number machi..... :-) :-) Name s Nira Radia. Nice name noo?? :-)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Corruption Awards 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
ICC's new anti-hide rules
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
'2010: Year at a Glance' by Faking News
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dig your nose, fight for India!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Chetan Bhagat inspired book on IIPM
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Oracle Paul's last moments captured
Arundathi Roy buys Kochi IPL!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Mission Antarctica & Lalit Bhanot's memorable moment
Amid all the cynicism about the CWG, here’s some refreshing news. Pappu, a resident of New Delhi, will embark on a marathon run from New Delhi to Antarctica, to commemorate the beginning of the CWG games. Aptly, he’ll reach Antarctica on 3rd October 2010, the date when the opening ceremony for the games commences. He said he was doing this to create awareness about Kalmadi-flu, the latest epidemic break in Delhi. About why he chose Antarctica, he says that’s the farthest he can get from Delhi.
Ask him what inspired him to go on this run, and he gets all excited. “I always wanted to be a social worker. Giving back to the society had always been at the back of my mind. Hearing about my initiative, several others have also started running to different parts of the world from Delhi. I’m very happy I’ve been a role model for several others.” Meanwhile it has been learnt that he’ll be welcomed in Antarctica by other wise Delhites, who chose to flee to Antarctica way back in 2006, when the successful bid was announced.
What motivates him to run farther? Replies Pappu – “I just switch on the TV or read the newspaper about the Games preparations and falling bridges. I get this sudden burst of energy, and I start practicing running out of Delhi.”
Mention Lalit Bhanot, and he turns nostalgic. “Lalit uncle is very sweet. Not very tech-savvy, but yes, very sweet. Once he was peeing in my neighborhood. Out of pity, I offered to let him use my toilet. Bhanot uncle’s eyes were full of tears and he said he wished even he had relatives abroad who would gift him a toilet bowls. He saw my toilet bowl and got all excited and exclaimed it was like being in a Hollywood movie set. Even today, uncle’s desk at CWG HQ has a photo-frame showing him sitting on the toilet bowl, showing thumbs-up sign. It still remains on of his most unforgettable moments.”
Before signing off, Pappu request all Indians to support and accommodate people of Delhi until the Games get over.