A simple method would be for your municipality to twist rules so as to allow you to throw all your garbage to the right side of your house. Every house collects the previous house's garbage, in addition to its own garbage, and passes it on to the next house. This would ensure that the thrill of littering on your neighbor's area remains. Thus, all trash would accumulate on the far end of the street, where it can be picked up easily by the garbage van. The next month, the practice can be done the other way, to the left of your house. Or the Housing Board could make it mandatory for every house to paint a section of the floor like a road. So people would rather litter on a road closer home than one far away.
If a municipality or corporation has enough funds, then it can invest in a latest technology - Intelligent Roads. Intelligent Road identifies plastic and other trash from its carbon content, and incinerates it the very second it is thrown on the road. The CO2 released from combustion would be sucked by the road and deposited deep under your building.
However, prevention is the best cure. Most of the litter on the road is polythene & plastic, which people throw away after using shampoos or biscuits or similar goods. The FMCG companies must NOT package AROUND their products, using plastic or polythene. Rather, they must package ON the product, USING the product, without the use of materials other than the product ingredients itself. Using a few colored additives, they could slice a layer of the product for packaging. Imagine a Perk or Munch, where you have to lick away the bar code, price tag, brand logo, etc, all in a different flavor altogether, before munching your chocolate. Or a shampoo that stays solid till its mixed with water. Or maybe an oil pack that can be rolled inside your pocket and regains its liquid molecularity on application of certain pressure. The possibilities are endless.
sorry to say, that is a crap idea...if u package the product around the product..it would be unhygienic....