Welcome! Or to our old readers (if any of you are still visiting this blog for updates, though we doubt that), welcome back! This blog was initially conceived as a satire resource, meant to make people laugh and take a lighter approach towards burning current issues! For various reasons, prime among them being the laziness to write, fancifully known as writer's block, this blog has remained inactive for close to 5 years!
We are attempting to make a comeback into the blogosphere, by entering a different genre - current affairs. We aim to be different from the crowd - for every news item we cover, we would present to you both sides of the story, so the reader can get multiple perspectives under one article!
In the last 5 years, reading habits - offline & online, have changed dramatically! News consumption has shifted gears towards digital-first mediums! Blogging itself has undergone multiple and renewed avatars through several new digital platforms!
While we at this blog haven't caught up with the latest digital trends in publishing, we hope to make up for it with good content! We aim to keep upcoming articles aligned with our following vision:
1. Present unbiased news, let the reader form his own opinion
2. Present all perspectives under the same article, so the reader doesn't have to navigate multiple articles online for the same.
3. Keep the content short, crisp and concise - bullet point formats to the maximum extent possible!
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